Friday, October 28, 2011

Congratulations On Tunisia Revolution

I know well about Republic of Tunisia, it's a small Arabic country, located in north of Africa. This country previously was known as the most secular Arabic countries. "A Tunisian man who has beard is required to report himself to the police once a month, and a Tunisian woman is not allowed to wear hijab while in government offices and educational institutions" described my Tunisian friend, when I was there during 2005 – 2007.

After Jasmine revolution in the beginning of 2011 that has made Ben Ali -as the President- stepped down, the condition drastically has changed. Recently, Tunisian people have found their freedom, many of opposition leaders abroad returned to the country and working in the political field, such as Rachid Ghannouchi the leader of moderate islamist party Ennahda wich won on the early general election.

After all, congratulations on Jasmine revolution that has made Tunisia as the beginner of the revolution in Arabic countries, and has provided the opportunity to conduct a free and fair election.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Gaddafi Is Dead

Moammar Gaddafi a former leader of Libya was dead, shotted by Libyan National Transition Council (NTC), in his home town Sirte, Tuesday October 20. "exactly I was very surprised by the information".

The American comedian commented about this incident: "Lunch with Gadhafi cancelled" quoted from USmagazine, Friday, October 21. In the other side, the secretary general of International Conference Of Islamic Scholars, KH Hasyim Muzadi said: "After Gadhafi dead, condition of Libya will like Irak".

Whatever, the important thing is the Libyan people's welfare. So we don't have to judge anyone. Let the people of Libya to start their new life.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Preparing For Joining The Islamic Studies Conference 2011

This is about one of my daily acitivities, before becoming a lecturer. When firstly I meet several profesors form different universities around Indonesia. They urged me to join an intelectual program, its name is Annual Conference On Islamic Studies (ACIS). "Each years we always hold the conference on this topic", said the chairman of executive committee.

I have invited to participate at this event as a moderator of its discussion. Really, I am very pleased, because it's the first time for me joining the conference in Indonesia, after I was out of country for several years. "You have to prepare everything that has relation with the program, don't forget read some books on Islamic studies", advice from one of profesors.

According to the schedule, the conference will be held on 10 – 13th October, its place in Bangka Belitung province, about fifty minutes by plane from the capital Jakarta. "your ticket plane is will be prepared by the transportation committee" cleared one of the organizers.

In addition joining the conference, my purpose there also for visiting some good places, "I like visiting historic places and beautiful areas" I said to my friend.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Improving Our Lives by Reading and Writing

Many of scholars dedicated their life to obsereving of a phenomenas that show in this world. Part of them has interesting in socials and Humanisms studies, as such Ibn. Khaldun who has been concentrated for long time in the filed of Sociology. Ibn. Bathutah who took a special journey around the world and tried to writing all of his experiences in a book. Or as such al Ghazali who has been dedicated in a relegius affairs, he was labeled - by his book - as the great moslem scholar.

Today the reality of human being is not different, we easly find the intellectual communities around the world. Their time is allocated to get studies of human being problematic and try to get its solutions. we hope that will be continue as long as this life in the world, that means part of us still has hoping and wishing to improve our life. By this side, I prefer to read all of their studying and observing, and to be aplicated by the institutions and persons wich has possibility to excecuting it.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Invitation To Book Launch Party

The Artist community student or KSS held a ceremony of novel book launch, writed by a famous author from Tasikmalaya Mr. Acep Zamzam Noor. It was on Octobre 2 (Sunday) in grand hall of Al Hikamus Salafiyah Islamic boarding school Babakan Ciwaringin. "more than 40 people who joined the program" Said Baequni the responsible of KSS.

At the same moment, the KSS also held a writing training for students and public who living in Cirebon and surrounding areas. Come as a presentator Lan Fang a famous novelist from Surabaya. "I am so proud of the traditional students, because they have a remarkable ability in reading and writing" cleared Lan Fang when she closed the presentation.

As the audience, I felt enjoy, it actually gave me many of informations and experiences, such as how to write a poetry, a novel or preparing papers. In the and of the ceremony, the responsibilities gave all of the audiences an opportunity for asking about the topic and taking photo with the presentators.