Friday, December 30, 2011

Happy New Year 2012

I always remember when I was 19 years old, that moment of the new year was very special. At like this moment, I have to go to the centre of city, joining the people who come for new year celebration from various villages.

With the clock striking 12 am on the 31st December, we start expressing joy and happiness to welcome new year. We convey new year wishes not only to our loved ones but to every person to meet on this eve. Make our new year wishing in unique way by sending quotes, proverbs and poems to all our near and dear ones. So happy new year 2012 to all !

Friday, December 23, 2011

MHS Islamic Boarding School

Babakan Ciwaringin is small village in West Java Indonesia, located on the border between Cirebon district dan Majalengka. It is one of Islamic boarding schools in Indonesia. Founded by the great scholar Ki Jatira (KH. Hasanuddin) who lived in the Holland colonial period.

It has more than six thousand students male and female. Recently it is famous as the oldest and biggest Islamic boarding school in West Java. Its education system adopts a combination between traditional system and modern one.

For example, pesantren Babakan has MHS (an abbrevition of Madrasah Al Hikamus Salafiyah), its student around 1000 at different levels, elementary, secondary and high. and its teacher arround 100 people.

This school was established in sixties by Babakan's scholars like KH. Abdul Hannan, KH. Masduqi Ali, KH. Anwar Fathoni Hannan, KH. Amrin Hannan, KH. Amin Halim and KH. Syaerozi Abdurrohim. They were known as the great founder of MHS.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Iran's Nuclear programme

Among the controversial programmes that each countries should be involved are Iran's nuclear programme. The former Iranian foreign minister Kamal Kharrazi stated explicitly in his country's nuclear ambitions: "Iran will develop nuclear power capabilities and this should be recognized by the treaty of international atomic energy agency (IAEA)".

According to the information of Wikipedia, that 9 countries around the world have claimed their nuclear program, one of them is Iran. I am sure that in fact this amount will be even more, there are several countries wich still hold back the programme.

About Iran's nuclear programme, the responsible denies the accusations that it would threaten the stability of world security, saying its nuclear programme is solely for peaceful purposes.