Babakan Ciwaringin is small village in West Java Indonesia, located on the border between Cirebon district dan Majalengka. It is one of Islamic boarding schools in Indonesia. Founded by the great scholar Ki Jatira (KH. Hasanuddin) who lived in the Holland colonial period.
It has more than six thousand students male and female. Recently it is famous as the oldest and biggest Islamic boarding school in West Java. Its education system adopts a combination between traditional system and modern one.
For example, pesantren Babakan has MHS (an abbrevition of Madrasah Al Hikamus Salafiyah), its student around 1000 at different levels, elementary, secondary and high. and its teacher arround 100 people.
This school was established in sixties by Babakan's scholars like KH. Abdul Hannan, KH. Masduqi Ali, KH. Anwar Fathoni Hannan, KH. Amrin Hannan, KH. Amin Halim and KH. Syaerozi Abdurrohim. They were known as the great founder of MHS.
It has more than six thousand students male and female. Recently it is famous as the oldest and biggest Islamic boarding school in West Java. Its education system adopts a combination between traditional system and modern one.
For example, pesantren Babakan has MHS (an abbrevition of Madrasah Al Hikamus Salafiyah), its student around 1000 at different levels, elementary, secondary and high. and its teacher arround 100 people.
This school was established in sixties by Babakan's scholars like KH. Abdul Hannan, KH. Masduqi Ali, KH. Anwar Fathoni Hannan, KH. Amrin Hannan, KH. Amin Halim and KH. Syaerozi Abdurrohim. They were known as the great founder of MHS.
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